Thursday, April 14, 2022

My fourth romance novel is in the works...

Readers and writers have dozens of story ideas floating around...and then there's me.

But five years ago, I got lucky. My husband was driving us toward Big Bend National Park and I saw an old house off the highway.

What if my character grew up there? And what if she didn't have the courage to venture beyond her rural property line? And what if she was completely unsocialized and suddenly had to move away with a nice guy she had met as a child?

I'm happy to say, those questions are finally being answered!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Dance with Me

The instrumentals of this fabulous Michael Bublé song* make me want to put on a red dress and be twirled and dipped under a starry sky. A girl can dream...

My rhythmically-challenged husband feels like a fool dancing in public. But he loves me (or something), so he humors me every once in a while. Naturally, I take it too far, which reinforces his distain for public humiliation.

Our twenty year anniversary is coming up. Maybe it's time we take some lessons. Otherwise we'll always be that goofy couple with two left feet that southerners look upon and say, "Bless their hearts, they're trying."

*The linked animated version is not featured on the pictured album.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Debut Novel

Clareth Hernandez
What would we do without good friends who cheer us on as we follow our dreams?

I just happened to be with Clareth when she checked her mail and found my book.  :)